Mission Statement

How to Receive Funds
The Sharing the Care Fund was created for people to not only make donations towards helping pets, but for us to be able to use those donations for pets in need.
For a patient to be considered as a recipient of these funds, he or she must have exhausted all financial options first, such as personal finances, Care Credit, or donations from friends and family. Donations from Sharing the Care Fund will not cover the patient’s bill in its entirety; however, the donation will be added to the client’s payment of the final invoice.
Our leadership team will make the final decision on patient eligibility after the case is reviewed and proposed by the doctor. Only those patients with a positive prognosis (young with a non-terminal illness), will be granted donations from the fund.
How to Donate
Please read the instructions below
before clicking the “Donate Now” button below.
For State, please select “Ohio.”
For Veterinary Practice, please select a Care Center location
Watch the video below to hear from a Care Center client, Katherine, as she tells the story of her beloved cat, Malingo, and why the Sharing the Care Fund is so important to our future patients.